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Friday, November 30, 2018

Most Advanced Food Supply

Most Advanced Food Supply

I am a big science fiction fan. When I heard about the most expensive food of the future is poo; and that might be the only thing for us for food supply in the future.

Of all things happened it turn out that the astronaut already using the method to survivor a year in space. It might sound normal but the topic was the food of the future.

The fear was that we might run out of food in the future. The most powerful health food are advanced engineered weeds in the market right now. They look like grass. It was advertised on the expensive menu only. A bucket of expensive weed does not look like higher end cuisine.

So what do we eat? In New York City its twice as expensive so you can imagine why this city is “hell” if you are looking for food. I bought a tray of buffet veggie costed me $13. $8 bought me rotten cooked veggie only. I should have saved up.

I went to all kinds of market for food for being poor and unable to cook where I stay. Not a lot of vegetation selection:

Broccoli is usually old and not fresh,

Peas only comes in frozen,

Corn is never sweet and hard to eat,

Carrot is so bad that all kids hate it for giving them bonny teeth,

Potato - I don’t even know how you eat it,

Tomato has a lot of rotten ones and it's not sweet anymore,

Cabbage comes in too old to be eaten condition,

Celery always the third rated,

Onions comes in a bag always too small in size for the price,

and Spinach don’t even buy it, it's full of dirt.

Where could I go shopping for fresh produce? In super markets.

I imagine the future is bad, when food is bad.

At one time the city was going on lower prices. Everyone was happy. Until the credit cards fucked up because no one wants to pay. So the price for things was up on expensive again. My credit card was fucked up so bad the interest rate is 200%. Because the Chinese in China had free internet access and was trying for free interest rate money. The credit card is gone.

The future for food is not free and not cheap. How bad is it to grow a plant? You wealthy people are eating weeds at home.

Oh, I was looking at pay medical plan. Someone fucked it up screaming they don’t want to pay. So the town is shit again.

Fin ///-///

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